
201806期 lassical and quantum methods of information processing and transmission (current state and plans)

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Title:  Classical and quantum methods of information processing and transmission (current state and plans)

By Professor Farid Ablayev

Time3:30-4:30 PM, Thursday March 15, 2018

LocationRoom 623, Big Data Institute, College of Computer Science & Software Engineering, Shenzhen University


Quantum computations and quantum cryptography is a new rapidly developing area (”hot area") of theoretical and applied Informatics.

Problematics we are working are:

1.      Comparative complexity of realization of computations in classical and quantum models of algorithms.

2.      Quantum cryptography.

3.      Development of systems for quantum programming.

4.      Efficient classical and quantum data processing, machine learning.

The topics listed in the research questions, are important basic mathematical problems of quantum Informatics. Thus, the task of studying the possibilities of comparison of classical and quantum models of computations is the first task that is set in the development of quantum algorithms. Cryptography is one of the first practical areas in which quantum methods are already widely used. At the same time, the development of quantum cryptographic protocols involves close interaction with experts in the field of quantum physical technologies and quantum optics.

The results of recent years show that one of the breakthrough applications of quantum methods of information processing can be the processing of large amounts of data and machine learning.

Our group has been conducting research and educational activities in the field of quantum computer science for more than fifteen years. Our first WoS articles were published in 2000, 2001 (LNCS Springer). Over the years, more than 50 papers have been published in high level journals (indexed by WoS database). Prepared and defended 4 PhD theses, prepared 2, and  preparing 2 PhD theses. We established science and friendly contacts with international and Russia groups and researchers.

At the first stage (from 2018), studies will be conducted in the following three areas:

·         Comparative implementation complexity of discrete functions in the classical (deterministic, nondeterministic, probabilistic) and quantum models of computation such as finite state machines, branching programs, circuits, and communication models.

·         Quantum cryptography. In particular, development and analysis of quantum hashing systems, development and analysis of effective quantum protocols of information transmission.

·         Development of systems for quantum programming.

At present, intensive work is being carried out in these three areas, there is a significant scientific reserve, scientific cooperation with the following groups has been established: groups of mathematicians of the Academy of Cryptography (AK) of Russia, groups of physicists leading the development of quantum technologies, quantum optics (MSU, Institute of Physics and technology RAS (Moscow), Institute of Physics and technology (Kazan)).

In the direction of "development of quantum programming systems" it is necessary to emphasize the breakthrough in the practical implementation of quantum computing since 2016: IBM announced and provided remote access to IBM-Q researchers from around the world. Our group provides training in the use of IBM-Q is a test programming the IBM-Q.

In the next stages it is planned to integrate quantum methods with the areas of research in the field of data processing (Data Science) and machine learning (areas of "Effective classical and quantum data processing, machine learning").  Recent results show a good potential of quantum processing methods for the development Data Science and Machine learning.  Our cooperation (Novosibirsk group, Kazan group, and Shenzhen group) will be provided the opportunity for a broader integration with Computer Science research groups in Russia, China,  and Europe.


Professor, Dr. Farid Ablayev is the Head of Theoretical Cybernetics Department (1998-present), Kazan Federal University. His research interests are algorithms, complexity theory, especially probabilistic and quantum algorithms, complexity of probabilistic and quantum computational models, quantum cryptography. He has started his research work in a group at Kazan University focused on probabilistic automata. This group was organized by Professor R.Bukharaev and started its activity in 1960-s based on the first famous paper Probabilistic Automata published by M. Rabin in 1963 in the journal Information and control (now Information and Computation").



  • 黄哲学


  • 黄哲学


    2007年6月于吉林大学获工学学士学位,同年被免试推荐直接攻读博士研究生,2012年6月于清华大学获计算机科学与技术博士学位。研究领域包括:下一代互联网体系结构、软件定义网络、边缘计算、大数据分析、机器学习和智能计算。国际电子工程师学会高级会员(IEEE Senior Member),中国计算机学会高级会员(CCF Senior Member),人工智能学会(CAAI)会员,CCF互联网专委会常委,CCF大数据专家委员会委员、CCF区块链专委会委员,CAAI知识工程与分布智能委员会副秘书长。担任SCI期刊《International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics》、《International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation 》和《Ad Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks》的副编辑/编委。已主持国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金,广东省自然科学基金,广东省育苗工程,深圳市基础研究计划项目等项目10多项。已在国内外重要期刊以及国际会议上发表SCI/EI检索论文80余篇。《计算机网络》课程负责人,课程入选广东省一流本科课程。入选广东省青年珠江学者,深圳市优青、深圳市高层次人才和深圳大学“荔园优青”人才培养计划。
  • 黄哲学


    陈梓楠(博士,国家海外优青,IEEE会员,ACM会员)现在担任深圳大学计算机与软件学院特聘教授。在研期间一共发表了顶级会议和期刊将近30篇论文,其中CCF A类论文有19篇(第一作者有12篇),主持了国家自然科学优秀青年(海外)项目1项和国家自然科学青年基金项目1项。此外,陈老师也是各大国际会议(包括:VLDB 2022 - 2024 (demo track)、VLDB 2025 (research track)、SIGKDD 2024 、ICDE 2022和2024、EDBT 2023、IJCAI 2020、DASFAA 2021 - 2024和WISE 2019 - 2024)和国际期刊(包括:VLDBJ、TKDE、AIJ、IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC)、WWWJ、 TSAS 、TNSE、PR Journal、DKE、JCST、The Journal of Supercomputing等等)的审稿人,并担任MDM 2021 - 2024的会议论文集主席 (proceedings chair)。


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